Product Description
The New Venture Factory is a complete spin casting set up, which comes with everything you need:
• DIGITAL DC CASTING MACHINE - Capable of casting standard 9" diameter rubber molds. It features a 1/6 HP DC motor, digital RPM meter belt drive, variable speed. Constructed of heavy gauge steel, it has a hinged safety lid, lifting handles, and splash shields.
• MOLD VULCANIZATION PRESSURE UNIT/MOLD FRAME - For vulcanizing a 9" diameter rubber mold.
• VULCANIZING PRESSURE VESSEL HEATING UNIT - The 1100 watt heating unit is constructed of thick aluminum plate and high efficiency insulation on a steel base. The control box, containing a timer and electronic temperature controller, is attached to the base, making a compact, easily transported unit.
• MELTING POT - This melting pot can melt 20 lbs. of lead or 13 lbs. of tin. It contains a built-in temperature controller with a heat-up time of approximately 35 minutes. 115 volts.
• THERMAL LEATHER GLOVES - Thermal gloves are essential for removing the hot mold frame from the vulcanizer. - These gloves have a heavy leather palm to protect hands while casting.
• KNIFE HANDLES AND BLADES - BP#25 Blades for a BP#6 handle.
• THERMOMETER—200°F-1000°F - For checking the temperature of molten metal during casting.
• MS-122 DF - A dry film spray release for your models.
• SLIDE - Silicone mold release for the mold frame.
• LOCK NUTS - For use as locators during the molding process.
• LISTO MARKING PEN - Ideal for marking vulcanized molds for identification.
• BURNISHING TOOL - The burnishing tool is used for sealing raw rubber during the mold making process.
• 8" DIVIDERS - Dividers are used for scribing lines on the rubber during the mold making process.
• 2" CASTING LADLE - The ladle is for delivering molten metal from the melting pot to the casting machine.
• PRESSURE VESSEL OPENING TOOL - This is used to open the hot pressure vessel.
• CASTING TALC - Casting talc is used for powdering the mold.
• CENTER PLUG - The center plug is used in mold making to form a center sprue gate.
• DEGREE GAUGE - This mm degree gauge is used for measuring the thickness of models.
• 50D/09 red silicone rubber mold discs - (10 Sets)
• 1 1/2" x 9" Mold Ring (Optional)—For making thicker molds, to accommodate models up to 1-1/2" thick.